This morning I ran 4 miles with Erin (including two 1-minute aerobic intervals), and we were out and about before dawn - 5:15 a.m. I am so glad we got it out of the way early, because my resolve wouldn't have lasted long today.
Last night was terrible. I went to bed late, and then I couldn't stop coughing. I cleaned the garage yesterday, and I think the dust got to me. So at 12:30 I was up digging in the cabinet for an allergy pill. Then my 2-year-old woke up crying, so I went to snuggle with him. I came back downstairs around 3, and he started crying again at 4. So I went back up to his room. Thankfully, he is not sick; he just needed some cuddles.
At 5, my husband came up to get me so I could meet Erin at 5:15. So maybe I got two hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Bailing on our run just wasn't an option, though. There are so many excuses that can be made, and you really just have to get over it. As long as I'm feeling OK and my kids aren't throwing up, I have to take advantage of the free time I have - even if it's before daybreak.
Speaking of daybreak, I snapped a quick picture of the sunrise this morning with my iPhone. Running is so worth the effort once you're out there.
By the way, I think Erin is going to do the Country Music Half-Marathon with me. Yay!
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