Thursday, April 15, 2010

Counting Down to the Country Music Half-Marathon

So... Erin and I ran six miles this morning, as usual. It's never easy to head out the door at 5 a.m., but I always feel like a million bucks when I'm done and can relax with some hot coffee. That's the best feeling. Six a.m. and I've already accomplished something major.

We'll run 3-4 on Saturday, and then a long run - 10 or 11 miles - on Sunday.

Nine more days until the Nashville Country Music Half-Marathon!


  1. I just found this blog and will now follow it for inspiration! Go you!

  2. That's great! Thanks for reading. You are probably only the third or fourth person who has looked at it - lol. :)

  3. I ran 5, 7 and 6.5 this week. I need to get up to 10 soon but it will have to wait a week since we go to Florida tomorrow on vacation. I did find a 5 mile run/bike path near our hotel that we'll be using. Are you going to do 13 before the marathon? I think I need to do it at least twice beforehand so I know that it can be done and so I can sleep the night before the run. lol

  4. Becky,
    That's awesome!! We're not doing 13 before the race, but we did make it to 12.5. We figure we can make it that last 1/2 mile, especially with adrenaline from the crowds. I would definitely recommend doing more than 10. The running plan I'm using from Runner's World doesn't have us running more than 10 miles ever, but I agree with you - we need to know we can do it! I can tell you that my legs felt OK at 10 miles, but they would hardly move at 12.5. I think we're going to try 12 tomorrow. I just don't want to injure myself before the race, KWIM?

    Have FUN on your vacation - looking forward to seeing photos from the beach!
