Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Two

I ran 2.5 miles today .... and it was 24 degrees! I felt pretty good running-wise, but it was coooold, and I was worried about pulling a muscle, so I headed back right at 2.5. I figure I'm just getting my body used to the activity this week, and I'll try to increase my distance a little by the end of the week.

Then I did 15 minutes of stretching and 11 minutes of abs, while my two little boys did some stretching beside me (and climbing on me). My 5-year-old made up his own exercises ("put your arms out like Plastic Man! Now move your feet fast like the Flash! Now move your claw like a werewolf!") while I followed the stretching part of a workout DVD.

So here's to day two! I'm off to watch Return of the Jedi with the family. Tomorrow it's back to an almost-normal schedule of work and school. That's when the real challenge (time, time, time) of this running thing will begin.

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